Greeting Spartans! My name is Hao, and I am thrilled to be a trainer at Elite Spartans!
As a fitness enthusiast and trainer, I want to help people and when I stepped foot into Elite Spartans, I wanted to show how my experiences as an athlete can help many Spartans reach their fitness goals.
I haven’t always been a trainer. When I was a kid, I never thought I’d be an athlete. Actually, I was desperately trying to make it in the basketball team roster in middle school and was cut multiple times. Then high school came around, and I was one of the starters for the rest of my high school years. I’ve learned from an early age that a lot of fitness comes not only from genetics but also from hard work. So what I started to do is read and learn with an open mind from many great coaches, including the coaches at Elite Spartans. In fact, I recall more lessons I’ve learned from my past coaches than from past school teachers. I was extremely motivated, spending the majority of my waking hours at the gym, sitting down with my coach and asking them what to eat and how to get better. I took every team practice seriously. I took what my coaches said to heart and actually put in the work. If you’re also willing to put in your maximum effort towards the process and trust what your trainers are telling you, you’ll definitely achieve your fitness goals!
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